Ice Dream

Through the tunnel of lights
Into our skates
Laces looped around the shining silver hook
Onto the rink of slippery ice
Sliding along the rim
Across the shimmering glaze
Away from the chattering cloud
Carving swirls within the middle
Among the chilling wind
The frost biting at your fingertips,
But you don’t care,


you are drifting off
Amid the swirling snow
Deep inside daydreams.

Favorite Jeans

I wrote a story about my favorite jeans a few days ago. It was very short but I think it was good. I described every little detail of the jeans, and more… I had never realized why they were my favorite until I wrote this cute description. I remember I had written something like this; Double stitching, dark streaks across the thighs, and my favorite part, super-soft comfy denim.

Conversation topic

Once, I wrote this really cool story about how much I love dance and what I call the really good dancers, the team girls at my studio. I call them the Melted, because they are so good they just melt into a song and go full out beautiful dancer! The mean, snotty girls are the Winters because they are so, so, so coldhearted! The okay and not-so-good dancers are the Stones because they are sort of stiff and stone like!