Baby Birthday

Soon I will be going to my baby cousin’s very first birthday party!
Most little children have parties where the baby is dressed in pale colors, the house is decorated with Elmo or something, and the food includes a big bowl of juicy, grated carrots.

But if you go to a teenager’s party…
Well, that’s a whole different story.

There, the special kid will wear a brand new outfit or something (usually girls), they go somewhere and do something and have like, a sleepover, and the food includes things like pizza, and grilled items and they could have lots of candy and cake.

My birthday party last year was supercool. I had facials and a movie, the house had streamers and sparkly door hangings. We had pizza for dinner, and doughnuts and chocolate as sweets. We watched Freaky Friday, the one with Lindsey Lohan. I had some friends sleepover and in the morning it was a buffet breakfast! There were waffles, fruit, eggs, bacon, and toppings for the waffles. For party favors I bought necklaces, each one picked out especially for one person. There were chocolate truffles with white frosting and sprinkles. A cherry topped it off. “Funfetti” was the flavor. My friends and I all had a blast! We pretended that we wouldn’t see each other in forever when it was time for them to leave.

I went to another baby cousin’s birthday party. He turned two. He had a party in his house and on the lawn. Food included little hot dogs and cooked vegetables. The desserts were mini frosted cupcakes. Most everybody cooed over the little boy and his brother, then talked for the afternoon. All of the guests with other small children left early, when the kids were sort of getting sleepy and upset. Nap time! Soon the “party” was over. Everybody had been very polite and dressed up. It wasn’t super great as parties go, but still I loved being with the little babies and toddlers. Squeaking out their little sayings that were hilarious and made no sense.

Why are little kids and teenager’s parties different? Why is Elmo babyish to us but when you’re three it’s the best thing ever? Why do our clothing style and haircuts change from toddlers to teens?

Can’t somebody answer these burning questions?

One thought on “Baby Birthday

  1. From a parent’s perspective, all ages and stages are great. We watch the way our children grow and change, and it’s all good! A little bittersweet, maybe, but we wouldn’t have it any other way.

    Great paragraphing in this piece!

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