Thanks Jack

I saw something glittery white blue layered over the grass like a frozen sheet yesterday. The mysterious blanket looked like shimmering, crackled, thin, glass. I was sitting in my car, staring out the window, contemplating what the sparkling paper-white substance was when I noticed the window.

Tiny swirls and curls intricately decorated the icy glass. Like somebody carved beautiful mini pictures and then spilled little bits of white and silver glitter in the marks. I carefully slid my hand out of its pocket, trembling, and placed fingertips gingerly on the lovely glass. My fingers fluttered just above the glass and I moved in just the tiniest bit closer. My slender fingers, now beginning to become a frozen blue color, flirted with the dancing swirls and whirling curls on the cool glass.

I quickly snatched my hand off the window, like I had been caught stealing from the cookie jar, because I didn’t want to spoil the gorgeous pictures. I set my hand down on the seat, but it was like resting your hand on ice. My pocket looked quite warm and inviting. I lifted my hand and swiftly slipped it in. I sighed with pleasure as my hand returned to normal temperature.

I glanced briefly at the pictures on the frosty–

That’s what it was, frost. But how? This was Texas, and it was before Thanksgiving! We never, ever, EVER get frost, snow, ice or anything like that in the middle of November! This was AWESOME!

I leaned back and breathed in deeply. I smiled and let my eyes drift closed. I exhaled heavily and let a long, cold, cloud gust out of my mouth. “Thanks Jack Frost.” I thought with a giggle. “Thanks.” My eyes flew open and I gasped because the temperature dropped a couple degrees. Another short puff of a frosted cloud burst out and settled like sugar in tea.

Maybe it could snow here this year.

6 thoughts on “Thanks Jack

  1. Just beautiful, Francesca. I love the way you captured your surprise at the realization that it was frost. Great mix of paragraphing, sentence variety, word choice, and all caps to achieve the effect.

  2. Wow!!!!! That was so good! I loved the imagery, every sentence just got better and better! I remember I was driving to school when I saw the frost, and I was so surprised. I passed a golf course, and it looked like a thin white blanket coating the whole ground. I loved how you reacted when you realized it was frost! I could hear you saying this in my head.

  3. You’re word choice is incredible!! I love how they mix together and leave you trying to say it a million times!! I think the way you said you’re piece flowed together and seemed very interesting. I love your writing and I definitely want to see more!

  4. There is amazing imagery in here. I can picture every little detail. I also love your title, it goes absolutely well with the story. Maybe we will get snow this year?!

  5. The imagery was amazing! I also liked how your title acted sort of like a hook. I was awed when I was going to school that morning, it was a surprise for there to be frost this early! I hope it snows too.

  6. Oh thanks guys! Yeah I heard it was record breaking temperatures here this year! The whole country was in a deep freeze!

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