7th Grade Reflection

At the end of sixth grade and in the summer after, I always worried about what seventh grade would be like. My older brother was probably to blame. He fed me bad information about seventh grade. He whispered lots of little mean bits in my ear, and shouted bursts of horrible facts. So I began to believe his claims. I thought that all the teachers were dreadful and loaded you up with piles of homework every night. Not all that he told me was true, but not all of it was a lie either.

As the bell rang to signal the beginning of my first day, I relaxed a little, like the bubbles of stress were starting to pop.

I do actually have lots of dumb homework sometimes, and the teachers are usually okay, but the word I would use to describe seventh grade is, “tolerable.”

By October, usually every night I had an hour or so of homework. As a dancer, I’m constantly at the studio dancing, so that leaves little time for homework. Last year I would go to bed at a “reasonable hour” as my parents would call it, but now, I don’t get home until after that time.

Eventually I figured out that I couldn’t change the fact that school was only okay, so I had to accept it. For example, I had to live with a B+ in math instead of my usual A. Math is the only class that I have an 89 in and all my other classes are like 92 and above. It bothers me for some reason, but I just have to shake it off.

In this whole year I think it was pretty much a lot of review and only some new things. Besides normal school work, I learned how to do turns in second in dance, I learned to be happy for others if they got something you always wanted but you never had yourself, and I learned some pretty good tricks for bending the dress-code. Not really cheating it, but just some cool ways to dress it up without breaking rules and stuff. Well, most teachers don’t even care anyways.

As the year is coming to a close, you’d think that things would be winding down. Well they are at school—less work, teachers getting slightly looser, more fun stuff. Things get busier for me in actual life though. Like dance recitals, auditions, signing up for camps, summer plans, all the stuff you get to do when you’re not being at mind-numbing school.

My only advice to next year’s seventh graders; do NOT do lots of extracurriculars on a Monday night. You will regret it when your homework seems extra-boring and hard because you are tired. Don’t make things more complicated when they can be easy.

2 thoughts on “7th Grade Reflection

  1. I love your writing Frannie you really stretch out your writing and add lots of detail. I love how you give examples to help the reader image all the homework and how you have to stay up late to finish your homework. I can really relate because I have dance 24/7 and I have to stay up doing all that dreadful homework too! I cant wait for school to be over.

    Your blog is so cool and you are a very talented writer. Cant wait to read more!

  2. Wasn’t 7th grade a pretty cool year? I can totally relate to a lot of the things you said. I am also in 7th grade, and this was such a fun and eventful year. I wish you the best of luck in 8th grade!

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